Cara Membuat Pumpkin Soup Yang Gurih
Pumpkin Soup. This is a classic, easy pumpkin soup made with fresh pumpkin that is very fast to make. Thick, creamy and full of flavour, this is THE pumpkin soup recipe you will make now and forever! Whip up this easy pumpkin soup as a starter for a dinner party or a light supper when you need a bit of For an extra-velvety consistency you can pour the soup through a fine sieve.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer for. Watch how to make the best pumpkin soup in this short recipe video! This creamy (yet cream-less) soup features incredible roasted pumpkin flavor. Cara membuatnya tidak sulit Pumpkin Soup menggunakan 6 bahan dan 7 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.
Bahan yang diperlukan Pumpkin Soup
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 Labu butter nut (uk sedang).
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 bawang bombay.
- Siapkan 3 siung bawang putih.
- Dibutuhkan 600 ml kaldu sapi.
- Siapkan Parsley.
- Siapkan Garam, lada.
Pumpkin soup is a usually 'bound' (thick) soup made from a purΓ©e of pumpkin. It is made by combining the meat of a blended pumpkin with broth or stock. Quick and easy spicy pumpkin soup made with pumpkin purΓ©e, onions, fresh ginger, chicken stock Ah, fall, a perfect time for a spicy pumpkin soup! This soup comes together quickly, and has warm.
Langkah Pembuatan Pumpkin Soup
- Labu butternut dipotong kecil, kemudian dikukus sekitar 10menit hingga lembek.
- Bawang Bombay dicincang halus.
- Bawang putih dicincang halus.
- Siapkan kaldu sapi.
- Panaskan margarin, kemudian tumis bawang Bombay hingga layu, kemudian masukkan bawang putih hingga harum..
- Masukkan kaldu sapi, butternut yang sudah dikukus ke dalam tumisan tadi. Rebus hingga labu lembek. Setelah matang, tambah garam, lada secukupnya sesuai selera. masukkan ke blender supaya tekstur lebih halus dan hancur jadi satu..
- Pumpkin soup siap disajikan dan berikan taburan parsley & lada hitam secukupnya.
Pumpkin soup is what we all crave come October, but the idea of starting with an actual pumpkin? Your mama's gonna be so proud. It all starts with sugar pumpkins. These little guys are perfect for roasting and turning into DIY pumpkin. These pumpkin soup recipes are like the ultimate experience of fall.
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